
Meta human
Meta human

meta human

Life was always already planetary, since the emergence of bacteria 4 billion years ago, creating planetary webs of programless biochemical mutation underlying biodiversity in evolution, this is the openness we need to recover. It thus goes in opposite direction to Gregory Stock’s “Metaman”, as the planetary superorganism emerging as humans and their systems compose a new hyperconnected type of body, while ignoring the mass extinction that this process implies. Metahumanism claims the core role of indetermination and of relational indeterminacy in life and evolution. Metahumanism opposes any tendency to quantify, as it implies reduction and determination. Metahumanism opposes any transcendence, any denial of movement, the body and the Earth, and any form of domination, and opposes the cooptation of the meta-prefix by the Meta corporation, the Metaverse or the superhero mutants called Metahumans: all of which are expression of a will to transcendence, a nihilistic will to dominate, quantify and deny symbiotic becoming. It is linked to Jaime del Val’s account of metaformativity as a pragmatics for indetermination of movement-perception. Akin to Nietzsche’s Overhuman the Metahuman is about engendering a new sensibility that overcomes the reversal of values of symbiotic Nature that has become dominant over the past 10,000 years. Metahumanism builds upon the multiple meanings of the meta- prefix in Greek, a prefix used consistently throughout Jaime del Val’s philosophy and practice since 2002, that implies both relationality/symbiosis and mutation/becoming. It opposes accounts of individual autonomy and of technological control and domination as defended by humanist suprematism including transhumanist currents, whose technopositivist will to control and domination neglects the radical planetary-scale devastation on which such domination and autonomy fantasies and their promises of false freedom and plurality are based. Metahumanism is a radical movement philosophy/politics that affirms movement’s indeterminacy, a relational ontology of the open. (Jaime del Val opposes the idea that metahumanism is “in between” trans- and posthumanism or bringing together aspects of these, as proposed for instance by Sorgner). It also questions the way in which most critical posthumanist currents still partly perpetuate and are complicit with humanistic suprematism, and promotes a radical alternative for a mutation of the species towards a planetary regeneration that goes in diametrically opposed direction to transhumanism. This implies a radical critique of all forms of human exceptionalism and suprematism, and their current evolution as a hyperhumanism/transhumanism/ trash-humanism.

meta human

since the birth of agriculture (but with 3 million years old roots in bipedalism).

meta human

Metahumanism is a philosophy and pragmatics proposing a radical critique and a radical alternative to humanism and to the failed civilizatory processes that are creating a Mass extinction and a species suicide over the past 10,000 approx. For a genealogy of the concepts of the Metahumanist manifesto see this writing.

meta human

#Meta human full#

Metahumanism is a philosophy and pragmatics whose concepts and practices have been elaborated by Jaime del Val since 2002, and which were condensed in the 2009 writing Metahuman, and later in the Metahumanist Manifesto (see below) from 2010 co-written with Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, concepts which have kept evolving enormously since then in Jaime del Val’s proposal which is presented in its full scale in the book Ontohackers as a Radical Movement Philosophy. WHAT IS METAHUMANISM Revisited in 2022, by Jaime del Val – (See below for 2010 Manifesto) See the Metahuman Futures Forum and the Metahuman R/evolution Decalogue. This is the OFFICIAL SITE for the Metahumanist Manifesto and METAHUMANISM.

Meta human